Intro to Georgian Typing master

We are glad to know that you want to use our Online Georgian Typing . We will try our best to help you. That is why we have prepared a good and easy Online Georgian Typing for you. In it you can learn Georgian typing very easily and quickly. With the help of this you can easily pass the official Georgian typing test. Then why are you waiting, use our online typing as soon as possible and learn Georgian typing.

Benefits of Online Georgian Typing:

With the help of online Georgian typing you can easily pass any Georgian typing test. The Georgian language is very important in your life. If you know Georgian typing then you can easily get jobs related to Georgian typing. If you want to send an e-mail or message to someone, they can easily write in their language Georgian. You will be able to do everything with Georgian typing easily if you have learned Georgian typing. That is why I request you to use our online Georgian typing tutor and learn Georgian typing easily.

History of Georgian language :

Georgian is the official language of Georgia, a country located in the Caucasus region of Eurasia. The history of the Georgian language dates back to the ancient times, and its origins are still a matter of debate among linguists. The earliest written records of Georgian date back to the 5th century AD. The oldest surviving text in Georgian is the Martyrdom of Saint Shushanik, which was written in the 5th century. Georgian script, also known as Mkhedruli, was created in the 10th century and has been used for writing the language ever since.

The Georgian language has been influenced by various languages throughout its history, including Greek, Persian, Arabic, and Turkish. The language also has a rich literary tradition, with works dating back to the 12th century. Some of the most notable Georgian writers include Shota Rustaveli, Ilia Chavchavadze, and Akaki Tsereteli. During the Soviet era, the Georgian language was suppressed and Russian was the dominant language. However, since Georgia's independence in 1991, there has been a renewed focus on the Georgian language and culture. Today, the language is spoken by approximately 4 million people worldwide, with the majority residing in Georgia. Overall, the history of the Georgian language is a complex and fascinating subject that reflects the rich cultural heritage of Georgia and its people.

Georgian Alphabet

The Georgian alphabet is unique and has its own distinct script. It is one of the oldest writing systems in the world and has been used for writing the Georgian language since the 5th century AD. The Georgian alphabet consists of 33 letters, with each letter representing a distinct sound in the Georgian language. The letters are written in a horizontal line from left to right, and the script is known as Mkhedruli.

Here is the list of the Georgian alphabet: ა (a), ბ (b), გ (g), დ (d), ე (e), ვ (v), ზ (z), თ (t), ი (i), კ (k), ლ (l), მ (m), ნ (n), ო (o), პ (p), ჟ (zh), რ (r), ს (s), ტ (t), უ (u), ფ (ph), ქ (k'), ღ (gh), ყ (q'), შ (sh), ჩ (ch) ც (ts), ძ (dz), წ (ts'), ჭ (ch'), ხ (kh), ჯ (j), ჰ (h),

The Georgian alphabet is widely used in Georgia, and it is also used by Georgian communities around the world. The script has a unique and elegant appearance, and it is considered an important part of Georgian culture and heritage.

Georgian Consonants

The Georgian language has a total of 28 consonants, all of which are represented by distinct letters in the Georgian alphabet. Here is a list of Georgian consonants with their pronunciation:

  1. ბ (b) - pronounced like "b" in "bat"
  2. გ (g) - pronounced like "g" in "get"
  3. დ (d) - pronounced like "d" in "dog"
  4. ვ (v) - pronounced like "v" in "very"
  5. ზ (z) - pronounced like "z" in "zone"
  6. თ (t) - pronounced like "t" in "ten"
  7. კ (k) - pronounced like "k" in "kite"
  8. ლ (l) - pronounced like "l" in "love"
  9. მ (m) - pronounced like "m" in "mother"
  10. ნ (n) - pronounced like "n" in "now"
  11. ო (o) - pronounced like "o" in "orange"
  12. პ (p) - pronounced like "p" in "pan"
  13. ჟ (zh) - pronounced like "s" in "measure"
  14. რ (r) - pronounced like "r" in "run"
  15. ს (s) - pronounced like "s" in "sit"
  16. ტ (t') - pronounced like "t" with a slight puff of air
  17. უ (u) - pronounced like "oo" in "moon"
  18. ფ (ph) - pronounced like "f" in "father"
  19. ქ (k') - pronounced like "k" with a slight puff of air
  20. ღ (gh) - pronounced like the French "r" in "rouge"
  21. ყ (q') - pronounced like a "k" with a sound made at the back of the throat
  22. შ (sh) - pronounced like "sh" in "she"
  23. ჩ (ch) - pronounced like "ch" in "church"
  24. ც (ts) - pronounced like "ts" in "fits"
  25. ძ (dz) - pronounced like "dz" in "adze"
  26. წ (ts') - pronounced like "ts" with a slight puff of air
  27. ჭ (ch') - pronounced like "ch" with a slight puff of air
  28. ხ (kh) - pronounced like "kh" in "Bach"

The Georgian consonants include several unique sounds, such as ejective consonants (represented by apostrophes) and the Georgian "gh" sound, which is pronounced differently than in English. These sounds give the Georgian language its distinct character and make it an interesting and challenging language to learn.

Vowels in Georgian

The Georgian language has a total of 5 vowels, all of which are represented by distinct letters in the Georgian alphabet. Here is a list of Georgian vowels with their pronunciation:

  1. ა (a) - pronounced like "a" in "father"
  2. ე (e) - pronounced like "e" in "pet"
  3. ი (i) - pronounced like "ee" in "see"
  4. ო (o) - pronounced like "o" in "go"
  5. უ (u) - pronounced like "oo" in "boot"
  6. Georgian also has a vowel length distinction, which means that some vowels are pronounced for a longer duration than others. This distinction can change the meaning of a word, as different words can have the same sequence of consonants and vowels but with different vowel length.

    In addition to the standard vowels, Georgian also has diphthongs, which are combinations of two vowels pronounced as a single sound. The Georgian diphthongs are:

  7. აი (ai) - pronounced like "eye" in English
  8. აუ (au) - pronounced like "ow" in English
  9. ეი (ei) - pronounced like "ay" in English
  10. ეუ (eu) - pronounced like "oy" in English
  11. ოი (oi) - pronounced like "oy" in English
  12. ოუ (ou) - pronounced like "ow" in English
  13. უა (ua) - pronounced like "wah" in English
  14. უე (ue) - pronounced like "weh" in English

Overall, the Georgian language has a small but distinct set of vowels, with vowel length distinction and diphthongs adding to its unique character.

FAQ-Frequently Asked Questions

1.How to start Georgian Typing?

  1. Firstly open the website.
  2. Choose Georgian language.
  3. Click on start typing.
  4. Fill your name and email address.
  5. Click to start.

2.What is the position of body while typing?

Firstly sit fully straight on a stool. Use your both hands and 10 fingers while typing. Set fingers on their positions and make sure your hands are on floating position. Not to touch the keyboard expect fingers.

3.How to build up the speed or accuracy in the Georgian Typing point?

The first step to incline typing speed is concentration while typing just focus on the screen. As “practice makes the man perfect”. If speed does not increase at once try again and again until when your speed will be 30+ and accuracy will be 94+.

4.How to change the language of the typing point?

In the right side of the home page a significant number of languages are displayed. You can select any of them and enjoy typing. There are a lot of languages such as Georgian, English, Georgian, etc.

5.How to know about different languages?

At the home page there is the brief description present about the different languages. By this, you can cane to know about particular language from which you are not familiar about. Moreover, a bit little history is also displayed on this screen.

6.How to get the certificate from typing point?

Just give an exam and get a certificate of the typing skill which can be used for different job purposes. Certificate will be in 2 languages that is Georgian and English.

7.What are the benefits of using typing point?

There are ample of benefits of using this website you can enjoy a lot of languages in a particular site. Beside this, this is the only site which can provide free online certificate which can help ones to seeking different type of jobs. Along with this, which the help of this typing point you can definitely learn typing in 10-12 days by practicing continuously 1 how a day.

8.Is it safe to type any of the private information on your Typing point?

Yes, we takes care of everyone’s privacy even though we also don’t know what are you typing here, it is just in between you and your personal computer.

9.Why people need to use

It is well designed website to improve or learn your typing skills in each and every language and it provides accurate result of your speed and accuracy of spelling. Moreover, it provides a certificate of typing to the users.